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eM Client Inc. is a young software company focused on developing a complete and quality desktop email client as an alternative to other email solutions. eM Client integrates email, calendars, contacts, tasks and instant messaging in a single modern desktop application for Windows and Mac platforms. Switching to eM Client from other software is very easy as you can import your data from Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird and others. It's highly optimized for Gmail, but can be easily synchronized with Outlook.com, Exchange, Office 365, iCloud, Yahoo or any other service provider so you can have all your data always available. On top of all of this the automated built-in data backup ensures that you don't have to worry about losing your data ever again. It has a powerful and efficient user interface that boosts productivity to the level you've always wished for. Regarding the security, eM Client has built-in PGP and S-MIME enctryption tools which will keep your communication safe. eM Client also supports touch devices.

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Rating: 4.5
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    eM Client Lifetime Upgrades Only For $50

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    FREE Download Email Client for Windows and Mac

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    Up to 60% off eM Client Pro with Multiple Licenses

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    Upgrade eM Client License to eM Client 7 for Only $19.95